HAZMAT Technician 160hrs

160 contact hours, class size: minimum 15, maximum 30

This is a NFPA472-473-1072 Hazardous Materials Technician 160-hour Course . In this training, students will fulfill the functions of HazMat technician in a variety of full-scale field scenarios. Students will learn among other topics, the chemistry of Hazmat, APIE System, Researching, plan development, meter review and monitoring procedures, mitigating different hazmat emergencies, and decontamination procedures. The scenarios include, making entries into hazardous materials scenes and determination of type of incident by observation, monitoring, and research. Students will set up full-size incident command and decontamination facilities, respond to simulated container and vehicle emergencies.

This course can be offered in many different ways. 160hr Hybrid (Online and Hands on portion), 160hr Traditional Classroom face to face method, 160hr “shift Oriented” method, and 160hr weekend classes/ night classes.

NOTE: Prerequisite: HazMat Operations Level

HAZTOX Medic 24hrs

24 contact hours, class size: minimum 15, no maximum.

The HazTox Medic Certification course offers a comprehensive approach to the assessment and management of contaminated, exposed, or toxic victims. Upon completion, students will earn a 2 year certification which meets and exceeds the competencies set forth in NFPA 473.

The Haztox Medic Certification Course is Provided by HazTox™, and fully approved through ICFTA- HazTox™ by the Florida State Fire College.

The HazTox Medic Certification course will teach responders:

  • A basic understanding of the principles of toxicology.
  • Chemical and physical properties as they relate to toxic exposures.
  • Toxidromes relevant to EMS, HazMat, and WMD response.
  • Assessment and management of toxic exposures.
  • Assessment and management of WMD / chemical warfare agents.
  • Assessment and management of biological warfare agents
  • Integration into the Incident Management System
  • Responder safety, medical surveillance and incident rehab.

In addition to the training, responders will receive:

A waterproof HazTox™ chart.
A HazTox Medic Manual with over 3,000 chemicals adapted to the HazTox™ system.



36 contact hours, class size: minimum 10, no maximum.

This curriculum was created by ICFTA to reinforce the HAZMAT Awareness, Operations and Technician levels with Chemistry Knowledge. Objectives are set to ensure the students master hazmat related chemistry such as, hydrocarbons & Functional Groups. Furthermore, students will be introduced to The Table of Elements, Chemical Bonding, Compounds, Chemical properties/ Chemical Changes/ Electron Arrangements, Chemical Reactions, Balancing of Reactions and Fire/ Hazmat strategies and tactics based on chemistry knowledge (i.e Reading Smoke)

Departments & group quotes available. Contact us!